Book Club

Join The Book Club!

Have you ever read a book that was so good, that you just had to discuss it with friends?

Here's your chance to do just that! This month's Book Club Review will be over the book 

The Coldest Winter Ever. 

Join me as we dive into the critically acclaimed novel, written by Sister Souljah. This will be my second time reading the novel, and I'm excited. The first time I read this book, I felt like I left it with more questions than answers. Going over it again I hope to have a clearer understanding of Sister Souljah's characters.
Some of the characters make poor choices, like Winter Santiaga, the main character. They did things that I didn't necessarily agree with. Last time, I chalked it up that this story was one of a conflicted nature that I didn't understand. Our main heroine stands for a lifestyle that is painted well, though it may be misunderstood.
The author creates a very sleek world through her words. I have never been to the state of New York, but Sister Souljah made me feel the cold of the day there, while reading. She made me question why the characters chose their paths, and why others stayed away. Sister Souljah uses setting like a bird uses the wind. 
One thing that I can say about the main character is: While we don't go about it the same way, I relate to her willingness to rise and always find a way to do for herself. Where we differ is how she relates to her family. Loyalty is tested with every decision she makes, and unfortunately she learned loyalty through her father... and mother. 

Contact Natania Watie via email at for more information!


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